Mostly cultivated in 1800’s England. According to Frenchman Vilmorin in 1885 “Globe Artichokes are grown in every British garden but rarely so well as they deserve to be and cook seldom uses them as much as she ought” - A bit scathing but hopefully we have improved. These artichokes produce lovely large globe heads with a dusky purple tint.
CULTURE – Ideally sow inside in prepared seed trays Feb – March but be sure to avoid heavy frost as this will damage young tender shoots. Artichokes preferers a sheltered, very sunny location with plenty of organic matter incorporated into the soil. These thistle-like plants have a degree of drought resistance. Many need some protection if harsh winter weather is expected. Not uncommon in flower borders as the entire plant has a pleasing architectural quality.
Artichoke 'Green Globe'
Cynara scolymus