Although Purple Sprouting Broccoli has been grown in Southern Italy since the Roman Empire over 1000 years ago, the more refined variety we see today is largely selected from the French Seed Merchant Vilmorin-Andrieux in the late 1800’s. Nonetheless, PSB is a fine winter vegetable which almost guarantees itself to the 1st vegetable available to break the Spring hunger gap. Invaluable cut & come again Brassica.
CULTURE – Ideally sow in prepared seed trays Spring but be sure to avoid heavy frost as this will damage young tender shoots. Transfer to final position & space at 40cm (16”) intervals. Preferers a sheltered sunny location with plenty of organic matter & lime incorporated into the soil. Keep an eye out for slugs, snails, caterpillars & pigeons as they adore all young seedlings. Harvest from the following February. Cut centre spear first, then lower side shoots regularly to encourage further heads to develop.
Broccoli 'Purple Sprouting'