Originally known as the York Cabbage, it changed its name to ‘Durham Early’ in the 1930’s for no apparent reason. An absolute stalwart of the allotment due to its superb growth habitat, high quality flavour & it’s almost perfect reliability.
CULTURE – Ideally sow in prepared seed trays Spring but be sure to avoid heavy frost as this will damage young tender shoots. Transfer to final position & space at 40cm (16”) intervals. Preferers a sheltered sunny location with plenty of organic matter & lime incorporated into the soil. Keep an eye out for slugs, snails & caterpillars as they adore all young seedlings. Plants need to be kept moist to prevent premature bolting or bitterness. Weed carefully around plants so not to damage the developing heads. Harvest from February to August. Net against Cabbage White Butterfly.
Cabbage 'Early York'