A well-known Victorian Kitchen Garden classic with an alternative name of ‘Long Red Scarlet’. It’s gets its name ‘Chertsey Scarlet’ after the area in which it was most widely grown. Excellent tolerance to drought conditions. In 1875, James Anderson mentioned the yellow cored Chertsey as a ‘‘large sort, chiefly cultivated for cattle, and for colouring butter”.
CULTURE – Directly sow March-June in shallow ½” (1.5cm) deep rows. 4 seeds every 6” (15cm) along the row. Once plants establish thin to just 1 plant every 6” (15cm). lift November & store in cool dry sand until needed. Do not be tempted to eat carrots over a year old as the root matures carrots can go a little woody. Try & not put into newly manured ground as this may cause roots to fork or become distorted.
Carrot 'Chertsey Scarlet'
Daucus Carota