Well, it certainly lives up to its name - a true giant in the vegetable plot! Crisp white stems, oodles of dark green leaves with the most delightful earthy Chard flavour making it an excellent substitute to spinach (& particularly good in baked tarts or stir-fries). So good in fact it was awarded an RHS Garden Merit.
CULTURE – Ideally direct sow 0.5cm (3/16”) in March to July. Preferers a sheltered sunny location with plenty of organic matter incorporated into the soil. Keep an eye out for slugs & snails as they adore all young seedlings. Thin out to 50cm (20") intervals. Overall height: 1½ft (45cm). Plants need to be kept moist to prevent premature bolting or bitterness. Weed carefully around plants so not to damage the root or stem structure. Harvest as a ‘Cut & Come again’ vegetable.
Chard 'Fordhook Giant'
Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens.