Foraged & cultivated as a medicinal plant since the ancient times. Fiercely popular with the Victorian Kitchen Gardener who preferred to ‘force’ by excluding light to the plant resulting in tight, sweeter & less bitter winter salad leaves. Can be eaten raw or boiled like Endive. Witloof is a sub-variety of ‘Magdeburg Large Rooted’ Chicory which is famously used as coffee substitute.
CULTURE – Ideally sow in prepared seed trays Spring but be sure to avoid heavy frost as this will damage young tender shoots. Transfer to final position & space at 10cm (4in) intervals. Preferers a sheltered very sunny location with plenty of organic matter incorporated into slightly alkali soil. Keep an eye out for slugs, snails & caterpillars as they adore all young seedlings. Harvest September to January.
Chicory 'Wiltloof'
Cichorium intybus.