An unexpected gem found growing on a Market Garden in the Tamar Valley. Appears to be quite similar in hot heat & habit to Cayenne Peppers except this version tolerates our cool summers much better & is a much more prolific bearer. Expect to make oodles of chili sauce & chutneys with this one! Spicer then a Jalapeño but not as hot as a Habanero Pepper.
CULTURE – Ideally sow in prepared seed trays undercover Feb-Mar. Transfer to final position & space at 45cm (18in) intervals in rows 90cm (1ft) apart. Preferers a sheltered, very sunny location with plenty of organic matter incorporated into the soil. Keep well-watered as this aids fruit set. Harvest during the summer months once the fruits have turned from green to scarlet indicating maturity. Peppers usually 2” (5cm) in length.
Chilli Pepper 'Tamar Fire'
Capsicum Annuum.