Also known as the Lemon Apple Cucumber. Primrose coloured spherical fruits with unusual black spines. Requires less watering than its green counterparts. Very productive & quite hardy (does quite remarkably well outside) but pick young as they are bitter once mature. Excellent in cucumber sandwiches. Also known as the Lemon Apple Cucumber. Primrose coloured spherical fruits with unusual black spines. Requires less watering than its green counterparts. Very productive & quite hardy (does quite remarkably well outside) but pick young as they are bitter once mature. Excellent in cucumber sandwiches.
CULTURE – Sow seeds 2.5cm deep on their edge in May undercover in individual pots. Germinate at 20c+. Once plants establish plant out at 60cm (2ft) intervals, more space the better, as some can climb / trail for 3m (10ft). Can be harvested from 8 weeks. Prefers hot, rich, moisture retentive soil. Very frost sensitive & will respond well to additional feeding with natural fertilisers throughout the season. Keep well-watered & do not remove male flowers.
Cucumber ‘Crystal Apple’
Cucumis sativus