‘Bishop’s Children’ is a glorious mix of richly coloured blooms from plum, merlot to apricot & zingy burnt orange all against the most luxurious deep maroon foliage. Bees absolutely adore these open-faced flowers. Strictly speaking these dahlias can be perennial if mulched extremely diligently & the upmost care must be taken to ensure they do not rot in the ground.
CULTURE – Sow Feb – April in seed trays undercover. Propagate at 18c. When plants are large enough, transfer to individual pots & then when matured, transfers to the final location once all rick of frost has pasted. It is always worth plant in blocks or 3,5,7 etc to experience the visual impact but ensure there mulched well before first frost, or lift tubers & store in sand in a cool well-ventilated space such as potting shed or garage.
Dahlia 'Bishop's Children'