More commonly known as ‘Sweet Rocket’ today but back in the 1500’s England you would have known it as ‘Dame’s Violets’ or ‘Queens Gillyfloure’. Mentioned in Gerard’s Herbal of 1597 & Miller’s Gardener’s Dictionary of 1768. This wildflower is testament to a flower that will last the ages.
CULTURE – Thinly sow during Feb-May at 0.5cm (1/4”) deep in prepared seed trays of compost. Germination takes 3-5 weeks. Plant out in final position at 30cm (1ft) intervals. Trust not to over fertilise the soil as this will cause extra foliage growth at the expense of flowers. Like Hollyhock, Dame’s Violets flower the following year. Will self-seed readily so cut flowers frequently throughout the season. Scent is strongest from dusk so plant where you are most likely to appreciate them.
Dame's Violets
Hesperis matronalis