Surely the most recognisable flower for anyone who lived in England the past 500 years. A favourite of distinguished herbalist Gerard & Culpeper, even poets Chaucer, Shakespeare, Keats & Gay even mentioned the virtue of Marigolds in their work. In some districts of England, it is not uncommon to still see Marigold infused oil as an ointment for dry & cracked skin. This is a startingly beautiful form, with a dark chocolate eye & deep orange on the reverse of the petals. A true regal gem.
CULTURE – One of the easiest plants to grow. Thoroughly clear a patch of ground then literally sprinkle seeds liberally on top (barely cover the soil). Water the whole area & that’s it. The ultimate ‘sow & throw’ flower. Germination takes 1-2 weeks. Trust not to over fertilise the soil as this will cause extra foliage growth at the expense of flowers. Will self-seed readily so cut flowers frequently throughout the season.
English Pot Marigold 'Indian Prince'
Calendula Officinalis