A romantic blend of unusual lemon, creams, peaches all the way to rich burgundy & blush sunset orange. We love this bright cheery spring flower with a fragrance second to none. The ultimate spring flower for any English cottage garden or formal estate entrances. Plant in blocks to truly admire the colour & scent.
CULTURE – One of the easiest plants to grow. Either sow in late summer by thoroughly clearing a patch of ground then sprinkle seeds liberally on top. Water the whole area & that’s it. Or, sow undercover in Dec-April with an average soil temp of 20°c where germination usually takes 1-2 weeks. Transplant seedlings carefully to the final position late April after the last frost. Prefers free draining soil & full sun. will stop flowering high summer when temps reach above 25-30°C. Normally blooms late spring to mid-summer.
English Wallflower