It has been recorded that Linen from flax was the 1st textile produced by man in 36,000 BCE! Before the rush for cotton, the British relied on flax for everything from clothing its people, sailmaking for its Naval & fishing fleets, right down to linseed oil for its cricket bats. England may have slightly forgotten this beautiful blue wonder but surely it time for a revival? .
CULTURE – One of the easiest plants to grown. Thoroughly clear a patch of ground then literally sprinkle seeds liberally on top. Water the whole area & that’s it. The ultimate ‘sow & throw’ flower. Aim for roughly 2,000 seeds per square metre.
Flowers mid-summer. Harvest the edible seed when completely ripe & golden in late summer.
Flax 'Common Flax / Linseed'
Linum usitatissimum