Used by the Ancient Egyptians as medicine for digestive problems, Ancient Chinese to cure snake bites but maybe its most famous claim to fame relies on that it forms part of the trilogy of herbs that goes in to create the French elixir Absinthe. It was extensively grown in English Victorian Kitchen Walled gardens as it was popular accoutrement to fish dishes or light soups.
CULTURE – Ideally sow in prepared seed trays April-July Transfer to final position & space at 30cm (12in) intervals in rows 45cm (18”) apart. Preferers a sheltered, very sunny location with plenty of organic matter incorporated into the soil. Occasionally earth up to blanche the bulbs as they swell. Keep well-watered to prevent premature bolting. Harvest Aug-Oct. Pick just before eating to preserve flavour.
Florence Fennel
Foeniculum vulgare