A rather curious cucumber of obscure birth. Introduced to American Seed Merchant W. Atlee Burpee in the early 1890 from a gentleman who found it growing by chance in New York State. 3 years of trials later Burpee launched it to the world. A porcelain white cucumber with exceptional flavour. Spined fruits start oval, elongated to become 6-9 inches long. Very vigorous & extremely productive.
CULTURE – Sow seeds 2.5cm deep on their edge in May undercover in individual pots. Germinate at 20c+. Once plants establish plant out at 90cm (3ft) intervals, more space the better, as some can climb / trail for 2m+ (6.5ft). Can be harvested from 8 weeks. Prefers hot, rich, moisture retentive soil. Very frost sensitive & will respond well to additional feeding with natural fertilisers throughout the season. Keep well-watered & do not remove male flowers.
Gherkin ‘Piccolo Di Parigi’
Cucumis sativus