Also known as ‘Musselburgh’. One of the oldest leek varieties still in cultivation & with absolute reason, this leek is superb! Leeks have been grown in Musselburgh since the 14th century but this form didn’t gain traction until early the 19th C. It is thought this variety could be the parent of the once famous “London Flag’ as both share the wonderful, full over-the-top foliage which makes a real statement in the vegetable plot.
CULTURE – Ideally sow in prepared seed trays Spring but be sure to avoid heavy frost as this will damage young tender shoots. One the stems are the thickness of a pencil transfer to final position but dibbing a hole 15cm (6”) deep spaced at 30cm (12in) intervals. Water the holes with the leek & you will find the soil naturally levels around the plant. Leeks preferers a sheltered very sunny location with plenty of organic matter incorporated into the soil. Water thoroughly during dry spells. Harvest September through to the following April.
Leek 'Scotch Flag'