A true garden gem. Crisp headed lettuce of excellent flavour & supremely reliable. Looks out for the large outer leaves concealing a tight ball at its centre. Webb’s have been royal seedman to every Royal since Queen Victoria’s reign & of this variety is anything to go by, with good reason. A truly exceptional English lettuce.
CULTURE – Ideally sow inside in prepared seed beds or trays Feb – July (but be sure to avoid heavy frost as this will damage young tender shoots.) Lettuce prefers a sheltered, sunny location with plenty of organic matter incorporated into the soil. Warm wet weather encourages oodles of growth, dry conditions can cause bolting (going to seed) so it is best to sow small quantities at regular intervals to avoid a glut (or dearth). Many need some protection if harsh winter weather is expected.
Lettuce 'Webb's Wonderful'
Lactuca Sativa