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Oaken Pin

Syn. Oaken Peg, Oak Pigg,


Juicer / Cider


1600’s Exmoor, Devonshire


Self-Sterile (needs a pollinator)


Mid Harvester – October  (til June)


An apple which has kept favour throughout time.

English writer Ray mentions this exceptionally old apple back in 1688 when he includeds it into his top 78 apples of the era along with other historical varieties such as Catshead, Sops-in-Wine, Quarrington of Devonshire, The Gilliflower & Quince Apple. A bit later in 1721 In Mortimers book ‘The whole art of husbandry’ he states ‘The Oaken Pin so called for its hardness, is a lasting fruit, yields excellent liquor’. By 1818, Forsyth mentions it as both Oaken Pin & Oaken Peg which he found kept until June. However by 1842 Macnab in his book ‘The north british cultivation: a treatise on gardening, agriculture & Botany rather unflatteringly referd to it tendency of being good from January to July but rather ‘Twiggy’.

Oaken Pin - Apple Scion

Out of Stock

    Scion Wood Size: 8-10"

    Thickness can vary according to variety.

Image by Yoksel 🌿 Zok

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