Firm favourite of the Victorian Kitchen Gardens & DIG FOR VICTORY campaign. Hollow Crown is one of the oldest parsnips still in regular cultivation. Doesn’t require deep soil & thrives in pretty much any garden setting so it is easy to see why it has an adoring fan club spanning over 200yrs+.
CULTURE – Directly sow Feb-May in shallow ½” (1.5cm) deep rows. 4 seeds every 6” (15cm) along the row. Once plants establish thin to just 1 plant every 6” (15cm). Lift November & store in cool dry sand until needed. Parsnip seeds famously take a long time to germinate, do not be surprised if after 5weeks you only just start seeing shoots. Lift after frost as the cold improves flavour.
Parsnip 'Hollow Crown'
Pastinaca sativa.