One of the very best for baking - ‘Maanzaad’ literally means bread in Dutch. This cultivar is also one of the prettiest with pure white tissue paper flowers with dark plum-red blotches at the base. Seeds are excellent worked into bread. But remember don’t lose the dry outer husks once you’ve collected the seeds, they make excellent natural Christmas decorations.
CULTURE – One of the easiest plants to grow. Thoroughly clear a patch of ground then literally sprinkle seeds liberally on top. Water the whole area & that’s it. The ultimate ‘sow & throw’ flower. It is worth to note that these poppies really do needs disturbed ground to grow as it is easily outcompeted by other plants. You can grow this along with our native cornfield ‘weeds’ such as Cornflower, Corn Marigold & Corn Chamomile as they are perfect bedfellows.
Poppy 'Maanzaad'
Papaver Somniferum