Before being immortalised in poetry as a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice paid during the World Wars, the Corn Poppy was actually made into flower garlands to symbolise healthy harvests. Not only are our native scarlet poppies utterly beautiful, they are also very tasty & can be liberally sprinkled on bread loaves, soft cheeses & salads.
CULTURE – One of the easiest plants to grow. Thoroughly clear a patch of ground then literally sprinkle seeds liberally on top. Water the whole area & that’s it. The ultimate ‘sow & throw’ flower. It is worth to note that these poppies really do needs disturbed ground to grow as it is easily outcompeted by other plants. Often see with other cornfield ‘weeds’ such as Cornflower, Corn Marigold & Corn Chamomile which are perfect bedfellows.
Poppy 'Wild Corn Poppy'
Papaver rhoeas.