Wonderfully fast maturing - can be harvested from as little as a month after sowing & are much more tolerant of poorer soils than most. Scarlet Globe is an excellent accoutrement to British salads as they look like perfect cherry tomatoes on the plate. Eat young as when radishes mature, they can go a little woody.
CULTURE – Directly Sow Feb-October in shallow ½” (1.5cm) deep rows. 4 seeds every 6” (15cm) along the row. Once plants establish thin to just 1 plant every 4” (10cm). keep well-watered & pick when young before the roots mature & become unpalatable – radishes average 3cm (1”) in length. Be mindful of slugs as the adore young seedlings. Regular sowings every 3-4 weeks to ensure a continuous supply throughout the season. Benefits from cloche protection if frost is imminent.
Radish 'Early Scarlet Globe'
Raphanus sativus