A well-known French classic beloved in the Victorian Kitchen Gardens for its easy cultivation, good flavour & handsome looks. As radishes take little over a 1 ½ month to mature, traditionally you can sow in-between slower growing vegetables to ensure space is not wasted in the vegetable plot.
CULTURE – Directly Sow Feb-October in shallow ½” (1.5cm) deep rows. 4 seeds every 6” (15cm) along the row. Once plants establish thin to just 1 plant every 4” (10cm). keep well-watered & pick when young before the roots mature & become unpalatable – radishes average 8cm (3”) in length. Be mindful of slugs as the adore young seedlings. Regular sowings every 3-4 weeks to ensure a continuous supply throughout the season. Benefits from cloche protection if frost is imminent.
Radish 'French Breakfast'
Raphanus sativus