Also known as the Salmon Radish. A long radish with beautiful deep pink skin & a white tip at the base. Crisp & less pungent than the shorter forms. Thought to be a descendent of the long radishes once stored on the Tea Clippers returning from from China in the 19th Century. Long Scarlet was once extensively gown around London in its once thriving Market Gardens. Being a true Brit, this variety can lay claim to be one of the hardiest of all radishes.
CULTURE – Directly Sow Feb-October in shallow ½” (1.5cm) deep rows. 4 seeds every 6” (15cm) along the row. Once plants establish thin to just 1 plant every 4” (10cm). keep well-watered & pick when young before the roots mature & become unpalatable – radishes average 15cm (6”) in length. Be mindful of slugs as the adore young seedlings. Regular sowings every 3-4 weeks to ensure a continuous supply throughout the season.
Radish 'Olde English Long Scarlet'
Raphanus sativus