Rural England will know this as ‘The Carpenter’s Herb’ due to its amazing blood coagulation abilities. A truly wonderous herb that can be credited in saving 100’s if not 1,000 of lives. (Even now, it is still used by the British Military to stem bleeding in the battlefield today). Amazingly drought tolerant, it is frequently seen in our precious wildflower meadows where you will see flowers smothered by bees, butterflies & beetles. A true British wildflower gem.
CULTURE – One of the easiest plants to grow. Find a nice spot in late spring when the soil is warm to touch. Thoroughly clear a patch of ground then literally sprinkle seeds liberally on top as light aids germination. Water the whole area & that’s it. The ultimate ‘sow & throw’ flower. Cut back every autumn & divide every 4 years to improve vigour. Flowers can be harvested all summer long & make perfect dried flowers in Christmas wreaths.